Routine Semen Analysis

Semen Analysis

Analysis includes the determination of standard parameters such as the sperm concentration, motility and progressive motility. General sperm morphology is routinely assessed. In addition, semen volume, degree of sperm aggulutination, leucocyte (WBC) and liquification time will also be noted. 


  • Protocols for Semen Analysis in Clinical Diagnosis by R.S. Jeyendran. Parthenon Press, UK. 
  • Interpretation of Semen Analysis Results: A Practical Guide BY R.S. Jeyendran. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.   
  • Semen Collection and Processing Methods BY R.S. Jeyendran. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK

Specialized tests are performed when standard semen analysis results are acceptable either the partner is found to be “reproductively normal” or if the couple is experiencing unexplained infertility.