Confirm Anti-sperm Antibodies

Confirm Anti-sperm Antibodies

Anti-sperm antibodies in the semen or serum are associated with reduced fertility. These antibodies often cause sperm agglutination, sperm immobilization or binding to sperm surface and prevent fertilization.

The immunological assay includes the detection of:

  • Sperm Agglutinating Antibody (Kibrick Test)   
  • Sperm Immobilizing Antibody (ISogima Test)   
  • Surface Bound Antisperm Antibody (Immunobead Binding Test – IBT).Order: For all three antibody testing – Anti-sperm antibody Test
               For Surface Bound Antibody – IBT -Investigational Test.


    Protocols for Semen Analysis in Clinical Diagnosis by R.S. Jeyendran.
    Parthenon Press, UK